Mindful Actions

What is Reality?

What do we really know about our origin on this planet? Can we trust the history that we were taught in school? Can we take the words of ancient texts as the whole truth? How do we account for so many incredible ancient structures throughout the world? They seem to be so similar, have amazing astronomical precision, and yet were supposedly made by primitive people without access to modern tools!
When we begin to remove the blinkers of what we have been taught as fact… when we begin to explore the ancient myths as if they may be actual history… and when we closely examine the archeological evidence… then many things become possible! Is it possible that we came from or were visited by some sort of beings with advanced technologies? What is our true purpose here as a species?
When our minds are open, the universe brings answers in ways that can completely shift our perspective of reality. How do we become open to truth? Close your eyes, pause your thoughts and heart-test for truth by placing your hand or fist on your heart. FEEL your question… you will have a kind of knowing. Any doubt… leave it out! Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Practice Always! – John Shearer
PS: Why not Make a Booking? It’s not always about the money.

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Tipping Point

Do you feel the world at a tipping point? Will the darkside hang on and continue to control through fear and manipulation? Or will enough people wake up and usher in the golden age of peace, cooperation and love? That is the question we face right now… in this present moment. What will it take to tip the scales in favour of love and light? If people don’t wake up, then the result is obvious… more of the same. What if groups of people all over the planet come together and intentionally use their combined energy to raise the vibration?

Let’s choose to take personal responsibility for our own awakening and by so doing, help boost the planetary awakening. Let’s set our intention to help the world awaken! What can you do to create more love, light and consciousness in your community? Do you have a group with whom you can set the intention and consciously combine energies to make a difference in our world? It is a historic time, and we have an opportunity to help determine the future of our planet. What will you do? Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Practice Always! – John Shearer
PS: Why not Make a Booking? It’s not always about the money.

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The Mindful Way

Trusting Our Intuition

How much do you trust your intuition and your connection to Source Energy? Do you get gut feelings or spiritual prompts of what you should do? If so, do you consistently act on them or does your logical mind say it’s crazy, not practical or doesn’t make sense? I have learnt that following my spiritual prompts is not about me, it’s about others!

Is your connection so clear that you hear or feel your spiritual prompts? Do you automatically act on this guidance as the driving force in your life? If you are one that acts consistently on this inner compass, what has the result been? Do you find that when you trust Source completely, and follow without question, that things seem to always turn out for good? There is always a reason for following our spiritual prompts.

Until now it may have been difficult for most people to truly trust their connection to inner guidance and divine wisdom. However, in today’s world it is becoming easier and easier to connect. The more time we spend in silence, actively listening for guidance, the easier it is to trust and act on what we perceive. There definitely is higher guidance available to help us all live a more fulfilling life. It is time to trust our instincts and begin to truly follow our hearts wherever it may guide us. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Practice Always! – John Shearer
PS: Why not Make a Booking? It’s not always about the money.

Subscribe to my Mentoring Service Cost is $12 per fortnight.
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Mindful Actions

Starting Each Day

What do you do to start your day? Do you see each day as a continuation of your previous days? Or do you look at each day as an excellent opportunity to do something different, try something new, or strive to be a better version of yourself than yesterday? Is each day a sandpit to play in, time to take the next step or experience whatever you desire? If you don’t have this type of enthusiasm for life, each and every morning, what can you do to develop it?
The most important thing is to focus on gratitude as soon as you wake up. There is so much to be thankful for, and when you start with that attitude, you automatically start by looking on the bright side, not the negative. Pausing your thoughts and connecting with Source Energy or your higher power, will also help you gain clarity for the day. There is incredibly powerful guidance available if you call upon it with faith and with a silent mind to receive. During this time let action steps begin to form. What is one action you can take to improve your life or move your business forward? What is one action you can take that will bring joy into the life of another? What can you do today to help improve the world?
When you start each day with clarity about who you are and where your life is heading, then it is easy to take enthusiastic action to move forward. When you start your day with self-love and gratitude, it will be a magical day in which you can create anything you desire. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Practice Always! – John Shearer
PS: Why not Make a Booking? It’s not always about the money.

Subscribe to my Mentoring Service Cost is $12 per fortnight.
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Gaining Wisdom

How do we gain wisdom? Is wisdom learnt by reading books, attending workshops, listening to teachers or following a religious practice? Is the best way through contemplation in solitude or rigorous meditation? Is writing or journaling our thoughts and experiences a way to gain insight and wisdom? All of these might be valid paths for increasing our potential for wisdom. However, true wisdom is gained from our lived experience and only revealed in the living of our lives.

Unless you are a guru living in a cave where people come to you for advice, your wisdom will have no impact unless you live in a way where your wisdom can be shared for the benefit of others. True wisdom means that you are mindfully aware in every moment and trusting in intuition. One who is truly wise will be wise in the middle of a crowd as well as in quiet meditation. Perhaps the greatest wisdom is gained by fully immersing yourself in the variety of experiences life offers while being aware of your choices and the outcomes that those choices produce. The more you experience and the more you share mindful awareness with others the wiser you will become. You don’t want to spend your whole life chasing knowledge and at the end find that you have never experienced life. Awakening is not about knowledge… it’s about practice! Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!
Mindful Love & Practice Always! ~ John Shearer
PS: Why not book a session?

The Mindful Way

Massive Change

I posted this image on facebook this morning and one guy commented, “Can you give examples of where and how this is happening?”
I replied, “I love meeting people and over half the people I meet are awake. Start talking about it with the people you know or talk about your crook back. It’s amazing how many people have a crook back! Mindful Love & Light Always!”
Be Mindful about what you talk about! Be authentic and you will attract the right people into your tribe. Talk about your troubles and you will find more trouble. Talk about how the world is awakening and you will find more awakened people! Just imagine if the media started to talk about mindfulness, consciousness, heartfulness and kindness.
It’s up to us! Let’s follow our spiritual prompts and sew seeds into people to help them awaken. We can make a difference in this crazy world… one person at a time! Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Practice Always! ~ John Shearer

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ACT Mindfully

Quiet Time

How important is it to make daily quiet time for yourself? This can take the form of prayer, meditation, creative thinking or relaxation. It could be walking the dog or contemplation of nature and the world around you. In our fast-paced media driven culture, it is easy to rush through the day according to our to-do list. The time you spend in introspection should be the most important and even the most productive time of your day. Make it part of your schedule!
How much time do you devote to your own well-being, both physically and spiritually? Unlike the average person in our society, many of us place more importance on our spiritual growth than our physical health. Hopefully, your need is to ensure your physical wellbeing because a healthy body is needed to share your gifts with the world! In whatever way you choose, why not create time to express love for yourself in the most gentle and generous way. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Practice Always! ~ John Shearer

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Life Choices

Create Your Ripple

It is always my hope that the people who are touched by my ripple, then create a ripple of their own. That way, we can change the world, one person at a time. We that have been blessed with an understanding of higher consciousness, have a desire and an obligation to share that wisdom with others. We certainly have knowledge and experience that the average human being doesn’t. The question is how to inspire others to move forward on their true life’s path in a way they can relate to?

Anyone who desires to be this kind of bridge person or way shower needs to establish some credibility. How do you overcome your innate humility to proclaim to the world that you have something of value to offer? How do you create the kind of energy and light that will influence and inspire people? I have two words for you to consider… Vulnerability and Authenticity. Perhaps it is time to step up and proclaim the expertise you have and the gifts you are offering. Go ahead… share your story and make yourself vulnerable, it’s the absolute best way to be authentic! Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Practice Always! ~ John Shearer

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What is creativity? Do you have to be a writer, musician, artist, or similar profession to consider yourself to be creative? Couldn’t creativity simply be seeing, thinking or acting in a way that is outside commonly accepted thought or behaviour patterns? Most great advances in the world were at one time crazy thoughts by people considered to have mental disorder! Truth is, anyone who has the courage to think outside the box is actually a creative person. Making anything new is a creative pursuit.
In what ways are you creative? Do you like to envision things others think is impossible? Do you try to come up with ways to solve challenges that aren’t obvious to others? Do you envision any aspect of the world in a different way than it is now? All of these are creative thoughts. The next step is to simply take an action that can help make your vision manifest in our world. When we accept and begin to share our creativity, then it can explode into something that can truly reshape our world and that of others. Creativity is also an important aspect of developing a true mindful practice. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Practice Always! ~ John Shearer

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Life Choices

True Potential

What is holding you back from achieving your true potential? Do you have physical limitations that seem to restrict your energy, focus or stamina? If so, how could your living experience be a gift you could share with others? The same is true with your emotional or psychological battles. Instead of looking at aspects of your life as limitations, can you see them as lived experience that give you something very valuable to share with the world?
How you share these experiences may vary also. For some, writing is their ideal medium while others share through art of some type. Others are expert teachers or inspiring coaches. Whatever your gift is, now is a great time to begin to share it with a wider audience. Humanity needs your perspective and your voice of wisdom. Playing small and being fearful of putting yourself out there doesn’t serve you or the greater good of humanity. Why not see your limitations as strengths and be open hearted enough to share yourself with others? Making yourself vulnerable isn’t something to fear, it sets you free and becomes your superpower! We can all contribute to the consciousness of our planet in this age of awakening! Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Practice Always! ~ John Shearer

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