Life Choices


When a loved one suffers a sudden or tragic loss of someone they love dearly, what can we possibly say that can be of benefit? There are no words that can help someone through their grieving process. The best we can do is express our love and support them in whatever way seems appropriate in our heart. The grieving process is one of the most human experiences we can have. The process itself is one of purification, allowing the release of all types of emotions, including sadness, sorrow, anger, rage and many others. Full expression of these emotions is very important as a growth process in the individual’s journey. It allows them to start moving forward with a higher perspective on the sacredness of life itself.
We may know that death is a liberating process and that all spiritual traditions teach about the afterlife. We can rationalise that the deceased is in a more wonderful place, as virtually everyone who has had a near death experience, (including me) has described the beauty of the other side. We know that death is a natural part of the cycle of life and that everything happens for our ultimate benefit, no matter how painful it may be in the moment. Although it is nice to have the reassurance of these perspectives on life, the emotions of sorrow and grief are one of the most natural things that make us human. Honour those emotions and the important role they play in our lives. Everything has its place in this unique journey called life. Why not give thanks for all aspects of this cycle of life. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Life Always! – John Shearer

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Life Choices


Is it possible to live a completely balanced life? The desire for balance has been promoted so much that many people assume it is an essential goal in life. However, when we look at people who are deemed successful in the eyes of the world, how balanced are they? Doesn’t it take a degree of almost fanatical focus in one area to become a master at anything? Is it possible to achieve complete balance when one is focused on pursuing their true passion in life?
It seems like those who truly are balanced are almost forced to remain in the level of mediocrity in their life. However, those who are incredibly successful in one area are often utter failures and completely miserable in other aspects. Perhaps the key is to not neglect any of the major aspects of life, even though you may put most of your attention toward your passion. It is important not to neglect the spiritual and emotional aspects of your being, but if those are your focus, not to neglect the mental and physical aspects. A simple test might be to examine your relationships, with others, with yourself and with Source. The nature of these relationships can tell you a lot about your overall balance in life. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Balance Always! – John Shearer

Subscribe to my 52 week Mentoring Service Includes regular phone calls.
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Sound Healing

Sound Healing

Is it really possible to heal through sound? Do sound energy healers truly have the power to heal things that Western medicine cannot? As long as we accept the paradigm of solid matter, then these things make no sense. However, as soon as we accept the more modern theory of quantum physics, then energy and sound healing are not just possible, but could be infinitely more effective than other more physical methods.
If everything is made up of tiny sub-atomic particles of energy, then anything that impacts the vibrational frequency will be able to change things. Sound and energy vibrations that are at the right frequency to enter the furthest reaches of the cellular structure can affect change at that most subtle level. Why can’t DNA change? When appropriate frequencies are used, the energy of the entire organism can shift almost immediately. We are only now beginning to recognise the effectiveness and importance of all these energetic approaches. With an open mind and further testing it is easy to see this arena as the health recovery and maintenance system of the future. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Sound Energy Always! – John Shearer
PS: Saffron Sounds is in Hervey Bay, Qld Australia. Why not Make a Booking?

Subscribe to my 52 week Mentoring Service Includes regular phone calls.
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Mindful Insights Mindfulness

Mindful Insights

Revised Edition Now Available
Click for More Info

The Mindful Way


How do you release the patterns formed by childhood trauma? Perhaps some of our blocks were inherited from past lives in which we experienced extreme trauma. Our lives seem to be controlled by subconscious programs that impact us in all sorts of ways. Taking complete control of our life often seems like a huge challenge. Life is about changing our perspective and having the courage to step through these limiting beliefs. It’s about becoming free to experience our true essence as a unique spirit, filled with joy, love and light.
The first step is to gain awareness of the blocks. This often requires the assistance of a mindfulness coach, a hypnotherapist, a psychic, a close partner, or even a mirror. Someone who has the ability to see beyond the obvious and help you recognise your blocks. It also helps to do some type of ceremony where you can feel and embrace your emotions in order to release them. Don’t hesitate to call upon your guides to help you release the blocks for good. Visualising your life as a complete success in the areas where you are currently stuck is also important.
Finally, you need to commit to living in the present moment and unbelieving everything! Your brain is like a computer, it needs to be rebooted regularly so that it runs smoothly. Make choices that only empower you and make you more resourceful and complete. No longer let blocks from the past inhibit your ability to share your unique gifts and loving essence with a world that is desperately in need of your light. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer
PS: Why not Make a Booking? It’s not always about the money.

Subscribe to my 52 week Mentoring Service Includes regular phone calls.
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Life Choices

Our Greatest Gift

How do we contribute to world consciousness? We all have a desire to leave a lasting and valuable imprint by how we live our lives. We want our life to have meaning and to have made a difference. Our greatest gift is our uniqueness and we each have a unique path. The question to consistently ask ourselves is, ‘What is my unique gift and how can I share it in a more profound way?’ Most of us tend to downplay our gifts and feel that we can’t really make much of a difference. However, if you think about your life, your experience, your passions and your skills, you will certainly find one if not more areas in which your life can have a positive impact on the lives of others.
For some, parenting is the biggest gift. Others may love to lead, inspire, teach or coach others in a variety of settings. Settings such as music, art, writing or performing. Sharing with other people on social media could also be an impact area. For some, meditating and energetically bringing light to the world is an incredible gift. The beauty of life is its diversity and the richness that each of us brings to the whole. What are you bringing forth into the world? What ways can you continue to increase your impact on the planet? Silence your thoughts and the answers will come. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer
PS: Why not Make a Booking? It’s not always about the money.

Subscribe to my 52 week Mentoring Service Cost is $12 per fortnight.
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Mindfulness Day

Mindfulness Day 2024

It is always my hope that the people who are touched by my ripple, then create a ripple of their own. That way, we can change the world, one person at a time!

Mindfulness Day was first held on Sunday 4th May, 2014. I invited Australians with mental suffering to the online facebook event and 4,700 people attended. It was a life changing event, not only for me, but for the hundreds of lives that were transformed by what I wrote.
What I did write was 27 daily blogs for what I called Mindful May. It became my first book Mindful Actions which was launched on World Mental Health Day. (10/10/2014)
This year, I will be giving away a pdf of my book and hosting a video get-together on what will be the 11th Annual Mindfulness Day on May 5th, 2024. The live video event will be held at 7pm Brisbane Australia Time AEST (UTC +10). Time Converter.
There really is no set agenda but the main topic will be Mindful Practice is a Spiritual Practice! Why not invite a friend and join us? Share your mindful journey, what mindfulness means to you or just listen to learn more about the Mindful Movement! Mindfulness mentors, coaches, teachers and conscious leaders from around the globe are also invited.

John Shearer is inviting you to an Online Get-Together.

Join Google Meeting
Mindfulness Day
Sunday, May 5 · 7:00 – 8:30pm
Time zone: Australia/Brisbane
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(AU) +61 3 8594 7110‬ PIN: ‪478 314 883‬#
More phone numbers:

Looking forward to meeting you or catching up! Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindfulness Day 2024 Facebook Event:

Mindful Love & Practice Always! – John Shearer
PS: Why not Make a Booking? It’s not always about the money.

Subscribe to my Mentoring Service Cost is $12 per fortnight.
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Mindful Actions

What is Reality?

What do we really know about our origin on this planet? Can we trust the history that we were taught in school? Can we take the words of ancient texts as the whole truth? How do we account for so many incredible ancient structures throughout the world? They seem to be so similar, have amazing astronomical precision, and yet were supposedly made by primitive people without access to modern tools!
When we begin to remove the blinkers of what we have been taught as fact… when we begin to explore the ancient myths as if they may be actual history… and when we closely examine the archeological evidence… then many things become possible! Is it possible that we came from or were visited by some sort of beings with advanced technologies? What is our true purpose here as a species?
When our minds are open, the universe brings answers in ways that can completely shift our perspective of reality. How do we become open to truth? Close your eyes, pause your thoughts and heart-test for truth by placing your hand or fist on your heart. FEEL your question… you will have a kind of knowing. Any doubt… leave it out! Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Practice Always! – John Shearer
PS: Why not Make a Booking? It’s not always about the money.

Subscribe to my Mentoring Service Cost is $12 per fortnight.
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Tipping Point

Do you feel the world at a tipping point? Will the darkside hang on and continue to control through fear and manipulation? Or will enough people wake up and usher in the golden age of peace, cooperation and love? That is the question we face right now… in this present moment. What will it take to tip the scales in favour of love and light? If people don’t wake up, then the result is obvious… more of the same. What if groups of people all over the planet come together and intentionally use their combined energy to raise the vibration?

Let’s choose to take personal responsibility for our own awakening and by so doing, help boost the planetary awakening. Let’s set our intention to help the world awaken! What can you do to create more love, light and consciousness in your community? Do you have a group with whom you can set the intention and consciously combine energies to make a difference in our world? It is a historic time, and we have an opportunity to help determine the future of our planet. What will you do? Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Practice Always! – John Shearer
PS: Why not Make a Booking? It’s not always about the money.

Subscribe to my Mentoring Service Cost is $12 per fortnight.
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The Mindful Way

Trusting Our Intuition

How much do you trust your intuition and your connection to Source Energy? Do you get gut feelings or spiritual prompts of what you should do? If so, do you consistently act on them or does your logical mind say it’s crazy, not practical or doesn’t make sense? I have learnt that following my spiritual prompts is not about me, it’s about others!

Is your connection so clear that you hear or feel your spiritual prompts? Do you automatically act on this guidance as the driving force in your life? If you are one that acts consistently on this inner compass, what has the result been? Do you find that when you trust Source completely, and follow without question, that things seem to always turn out for good? There is always a reason for following our spiritual prompts.

Until now it may have been difficult for most people to truly trust their connection to inner guidance and divine wisdom. However, in today’s world it is becoming easier and easier to connect. The more time we spend in silence, actively listening for guidance, the easier it is to trust and act on what we perceive. There definitely is higher guidance available to help us all live a more fulfilling life. It is time to trust our instincts and begin to truly follow our hearts wherever it may guide us. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Practice Always! – John Shearer
PS: Why not Make a Booking? It’s not always about the money.

Subscribe to my Mentoring Service Cost is $12 per fortnight.
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