My Book

Published 2020 ~ Revised Edition 2024

Mindful Insights is the result of 12 years study and research into all aspects of mindful practice, not only in our culture, but in ancient cultures as well. I have been delivering the contents of this guidebook as a 52 week mentoring service and certificate course since early 2017. I have witnessed many amazing transformations! The manuscript was sent to some of my fellow Mindfulness Mentors, Teachers and Coaches for review. (see below) Mindful Insights is an investment into your future, the cost for your signed copy, including postage is AU$48 for International (Approx. US$31.50 CAD$43.50 GBP24.50 EUR29.00) or $38 Australia Only.
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Global Reviews

Lisa Wan ~ StandBy Support After Suicide Australia (John is a valued ‘National Lived Experience Advisory Group Member’)
“John brings practical wisdom that can only be forged through life’s lessons. Combined with over nine thousand hours of studying mindfulness, John brings his timeless knowledge and guides you in developing your own practice. The principles, unique insights shared, along with the week by week activities, will help to navigate the complexities of modern day living. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!”

Isabelle Fitzgerald, Mindfulness Coach, Sydney Australia
“Regardless of where you are on your mindfulness journey, this book has the capacity to truly change your life. Written by one of the most passionate, kind and truly authentic Mindfulness Masters of our time, John Shearer has the ability to open your eyes so that you can begin to experience each moment with fresh eyes and start to live fully awake. In this fast paced world where we are constantly living on a treadmill of doing, rushing, achieving and constantly on autopilot, it’s no wonder we are left feeling stressed, exhausted, worried and depressed. Through John’s own life experience and ongoing success with his 52 week Mindfulness Mentoring Program, John has put together this incredible book to help you calm your mind, overcome fear and anxiety, connect with your true purpose, and claim back what is truly yours ~ inner peace. Not only is this book engaging and easy to read, you will be captivated by inspirational quotes, John’s warmth and wisdom, and will feel your own presence developing as you read through each and every chapter. If you are ready to improve your relationships, become a better parent or teacher, let go of stress and anxiety, and live a more meaningful life, then this book is definitely for you.”

Michael Stavrinides ~ Mindfulness Master, Cyprus
“This book is insightful and full of wisdom, whether you are a beginner interested in learning mindfulness, or more experienced and you want to start your own mindfulness mentoring business, this book will guide you. John has packed a huge amount of knowledge into this book. It gives you one year’s guidance, John has cleverly structured this book in a way as not to overwhelm the reader, the book has 52 chapters, each chapter corresponds to a week, each week John gives you a different insight for you to read, reflect upon and put into practice. If you are ready to make positive changes, learn who you really are and become the best version of yourself, then this book will definitely assist you on your journey.”

Alice Bacon, Resilience Coach, Adelaide, South Australia
“As a mindfulness facilitator and follower of John’s work, I acknowledge and celebrate you as you commence this 52 week journey of self-discovery. From the onset, may I say, “Buckle up and be prepared to be amazed!” The simplicity and ease of John’s work instantly caught my attention. Within the first few pages I was inspired to read more. So many ‘aha’ moments, well selected quotes and analogises that are sure to open up the door to your inner awareness and for your self-wisdom to surface. Each week, John presents easily digestible scenarios that are armed with multiple gems, that will undoubtedly show you ‘your path’ ahead and to aid you in your own identity of purpose and all that you are truly capable of achieving. With John’s support and mission of achieving love, peace and happiness through the practice of mindfulness, I truly believe that anything and everything is possible for you and for every single reader that picks up this book to commence their own discovery and all that awaits them. As so well placed in Week 42, written by Lao-Tzu, “Live in your truth, and everything else will fall into place.”

Paul Mudd ~ Mindfulness Master, Scotland
“First, I must declare an interest, I enjoyed John’s previous book, ‘Mindful Actions’ immensely and have drawn on it heavily in the intervening period between that book and this. As Plato wrote, “All learning begins with wonder” and as John writes in his new book, “Knowledge comes from learning. Wisdom comes from living”. John’s wonder for humanity, connection & Being, has made him wise and continues to fuel his drive to understand, make meaning and to teach. His voice is powerful and authentic because he has had the ‘lived experience’ of genuine trauma. He has overcome many fears and setbacks to shape a powerful vision – World Mental Health without Medication. Just think about that for a moment and let it sink in! With ‘Mindful Insights’ John has created more than a ripple that will touch people’s lives – It is an ocean tide that if taken on, the flood will bring within reach of every reader; joy, authentic meaning, love and light and help make his vision a reality.”

Linda Maher ~ Art Therapist ~ Grafton NSW
“John has done it again, with a brilliantly written manual for working towards mindfulness. In his easy to read style, John presents us with a week by week, year-long process in bettering ourselves using simple techniques. He includes quotes, poetry, and gems of wisdom from the masters, including Rumi, Lao-Tzu, and Dr Russ Harris. Once I started reading this book, I couldn’t put it down; the wisdom and practical strategies contained within its pages is absolutely amazing. Some books are simply a treasure of wisdom, and this is such a book. I highly recommend ‘Mindful Insights’ to everyone; it will truly help, not only to make it through the tough times; but will help shape you into the very best version of yourself.”

Maggie Morris ~ Death Doula, Canada
“From the Introduction to the last page, this book captures the attention of the reader. You may find many aspects of this book will mirror your own life experiences. You will find your own limiting beliefs begin to change as you feel John’s commitment to you. His love for you flows through his words. John is a lighthouse in an ocean of consuming waves of doubt, fear, anxiety. As quoted from chapter 26, “be bold and courageous, make decisions that benefit your growth”. This book is packed full of wisdom that will benefit your growth and change your life. It is my belief, that this book combined with your own commitment to change, can and will have a profound impact on your life and our world! “One with Spirit, One with All”, this is the real deal! A great read!”

Kath Thorburn, Mental Health Advocate, Australia
“Written with John’s characteristic openness, warmth and compassion, this book will be a steadfast friend, support and guide, a valuable and constant reminder of the very real benefits of mindfulness – for oneself, for others, and for the world in which we live – and how to nurture your own practice as well as that of others, wherever you happen to be on that journey.”

Subraj Matharu ~ Mindfulness & Health Coach, England
“Mindful Insights is a unique book that begins with detail on the author’s journey from inner turbulence to becoming a modern-day sage. The book breaks down each topic on the subject of mindfulness and presents the ideas in a simple format. The act of growing in awareness takes time, and this book takes you on a journey over a year. Once you finish the book and follow its guidance, you will experience a more peaceful, mindful existence.”

Kitty Cheng ~ Certified Holistic Health Coach, Victoria
“If you want to learn about mindfulness, then John Shearer’s books are a great way to start. I first met John via his facebook page ‘Mindfulness Master’ over 6 years ago. Since then, I have found John to be an amazing Mindfulness Coach and Mentor. This book with the 3 sections, including ‘Getting to Know Yourself, Aspects of Mindful Practice and Keys to Mindfulness Mentoringwith 52 chapters corresponding to 52 weeks of the year, provides great insights for you to implement a mindful practice into your life. Like John’s first book, ‘Mindful Actions’‘Mindful Insights’ is a book that should be read again and again, because it will remind you to always… Be Mindful… Pause… Connect! Thank you John for being my inspiration. You have certainly made a difference in this crazy world through your life’s work in mindfulness.”

Pankaj Rai ~ International Speaker & Psychologist, India
“To Know Mind, Be Mindful ~ To Be Master of Mind, Be Mindful ~ To Transcend Mind, Be Mindful ~ No Mind is Mindfulness. Hearty congratulations John, for giving such a great gift to humanity with your book Mindful Insights. As our journey of life starts with knowing thyself, John also started this book with knowing, practising and finally, grasping the keys of Mindfulness Mentoring. John has shown all possible ways to be mindful and any one path is sufficient for an individual to be at No Mind state, just like a river reaches the ocean. I am so blessed to have a friend like John, whose simplicity and lack of ego reflects in his work and lifestyle. Rumi’s quotes used by John are a simple formula to knowing the secrets of life. Mindfulness is the root of life, and life’s best fruits are found in his teachings. This is a complete book for personal transformation with power to heal thyself. I genuinely recommend that you do not simply read this book, but live it with totality.”

Brian Burns ~ Mindfulness Mentor, Scotland
“I found John Shearer’s first book,’ Mindful Actions’ very inspiring and powerful. I had gone through a very dark period in my Life and at times, felt that there was no hope for me. Then I discovered mindfulness and a Mindfulness Master who changed my total perception of life. Through John, I discovered my real self and went on to become a Mindfulness Mentor. I also became ‘One’ with the Universe and realised John’s vision of One Love was not a mere fantasy, but a reality which not only radically changed my life, but has given me the capacity to change other’s lives in a positive way. In John’s own words, “We are All One, One with Spirit, One with Life!”
John’s second book, Mindful Insights takes us on a journey of self discovery. He leads us through 52 weeks of mindfulness enlightenment, providing us with guidance and explanations to enhance and strengthen our own personal mindfulness journey. The book is written in clear simple language which conveys a very powerful and life changing message. Towards the end of the book he provides us with three chapters of Master Qualities, subdivided into individual qualities which in themselves, are guidelines to living a life of positivity, love and compassion. If you are interested in mindfulness, then John Shearer’s book is an essential read for you to Be Mindful… Pause and Connect!”

Francois Lange ~ Artist and Author, Florida USA
“If there ever was a mindfulness master, it is John Shearer. He lives his message and has changed the lives of countless souls, just by his presence on the internet and in person. The tools he offers in his books are priceless towards maintaining or regaining your mental health. His books really do take you to that very special space of stillness within ourselves. That space is rarely enjoyed as our mind usually is making too much noise for us to feel it. John, through his words and gentle tools, has the ability to silence that mental noise to help us reveal and experience that space of grace and true source of satisfaction. I am so grateful for him and his beautiful and loving presence in the world, he is a blessing.”

Dr. Nicole Gruel – Spiritual Health Doctor, Sydney Australia
“What a delightful companion for anyone who wants to simplify life, quieten the mind, and deepen presence in each and every moment! John has artfully woven quotes of deep wisdom with his own hard-earned life experience into an easy-to-follow manual for mindful living. If you truly create space in your life for guidance like this, and practice with a sincere heart, don’t be surprised if miracles follow.”