It is always my hope that the people who are touched by my ripple, then create a ripple of their own. That way, we can change the world, one person at a time. We that have been blessed with an understanding of higher consciousness, have a desire and an obligation to share that wisdom with others. We certainly have knowledge and experience that the average human being doesn’t. The question is how to inspire others to move forward on their true life’s path in a way they can relate to?
Anyone who desires to be this kind of bridge person or way shower needs to establish some credibility. How do you overcome your innate humility to proclaim to the world that you have something of value to offer? How do you create the kind of energy and light that will influence and inspire people? I have two words for you to consider… Vulnerability and Authenticity. Perhaps it is time to step up and proclaim the expertise you have and the gifts you are offering. Go ahead… share your story and make yourself vulnerable, it’s the absolute best way to be authentic! Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!
Mindful Love & Practice Always! ~ John Shearer
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