Category: Mindfulness
Gaining Wisdom
How do we gain wisdom? Is wisdom learnt by reading books, attending workshops, listening to teachers or following a religious practice? Is the best way through contemplation in solitude or rigorous meditation? Is writing or journaling our thoughts and experiences a way to gain insight and wisdom? All of these might be valid paths for increasing our potential for wisdom. However, true wisdom is gained from our lived experience and only revealed in the living of our lives.
Unless you are a guru living in a cave where people come to you for advice, your wisdom will have no impact unless you live in a way where your wisdom can be shared for the benefit of others. True wisdom means that you are mindfully aware in every moment and trusting in intuition. One who is truly wise will be wise in the middle of a crowd as well as in quiet meditation. Perhaps the greatest wisdom is gained by fully immersing yourself in the variety of experiences life offers while being aware of your choices and the outcomes that those choices produce. The more you experience and the more you share mindful awareness with others the wiser you will become. You don’t want to spend your whole life chasing knowledge and at the end find that you have never experienced life. Awakening is not about knowledge… it’s about practice! Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!
Mindful Love & Practice Always! ~ John Shearer
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What is creativity? Do you have to be a writer, musician, artist, or similar profession to consider yourself to be creative? Couldn’t creativity simply be seeing, thinking or acting in a way that is outside commonly accepted thought or behaviour patterns? Most great advances in the world were at one time crazy thoughts by people considered to have mental disorder! Truth is, anyone who has the courage to think outside the box is actually a creative person. Making anything new is a creative pursuit.
In what ways are you creative? Do you like to envision things others think is impossible? Do you try to come up with ways to solve challenges that aren’t obvious to others? Do you envision any aspect of the world in a different way than it is now? All of these are creative thoughts. The next step is to simply take an action that can help make your vision manifest in our world. When we accept and begin to share our creativity, then it can explode into something that can truly reshape our world and that of others. Creativity is also an important aspect of developing a true mindful practice. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!
Mindful Love & Practice Always! ~ John Shearer
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Open Mind Required
Minds are like parachutes… they work best when open! So what does it mean to have an open mind? Is it possible to have a truly blank mind like that of a young child, to whom everything is new and exciting and sometimes overwhelming? What would the world look like if we were to achieve this state of being? Would life seem exciting, stimulating and always with something new to learn and experience? What would it take to return to that state of having a truly open mind?
It would first require examining our limiting beliefs and be willing to let them go. Judgments would have to go as well. How can we have a completely open mind when we are labelling and judging things as good or bad based on our past experience? Next it would require deep listening (mindfulness) and willingness to take in information, knowledge, and wisdom from any source, not just ones we deem as acceptable.
Would this totally throw you off? Most likely! It would wipe out the foundation of life and discernment that most of us have built up over a lifetime. However, what would the benefits be? Is it possible that this is what we need to change… now that the world is awakening? Would a truly open mind be required to be part of these exciting times? Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!
Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer
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Time To Invest
How much time do you invest in meditation, prayer or simply being silent? We all know how important time to contemplate, or silencing our minds, is to our spiritual growth. This quiet time is when we can connect with our Source and activate our inner guidance. Without this time, it is easy to get distracted and caught up in our own busyness.
Why not make a commitment to increase the time you invest in contemplation? The best times are first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Taking a break during the day is also a very beneficial thing to do. Just five minutes can do wonders for our focus and energy. Let’s not forget our mindful practice and be sure to check in with ourselves several times a day. It only takes a few seconds to stay in touch with our purpose via these very simple micro-meditations. The reward for our efforts is both peace of mind and clarity of mind! Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!
Mindful Love & Practice Always! – John Shearer
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How much do you rely on your inner guide to maintain your awakened state? How much do you rely on outside influences, such as teachers, gurus, energy workers, books or videos, to inspire and assist you? Is there an optimal balance for our unique journeys? Most of us would still be struggling if we only focused on the ‘go inside path’. The availability of amazing teachers, healers and tools definitely provides knowledge and inspiration. The question is, do you tend to rely on these tools only?
Ultimately, it is our relationship with Source that keeps us awakened. Going deep to face our greatest fears and blocks is essential to completely free ourselves from past conditioning. Our connection to Source enables us to hold the light, and not allow our energy to be blocked. We may need the individualized help of a coach, guide or teacher to support us in facing these fears, but ultimately it is our mindful practice that keeps us on track.
Perhaps it is a good time to self evaluate. Are you still resistant to facing your blocks? Do you rely on outside stimulation to make you feel good as a way to avoid going deep? Only you can determine the answer and resolve to do whatever it takes to clear yourself, so you can bring forth the totality of your love to share with the world. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!
Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer MM
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Willing to Forgive?

Am I willing to forgive? This may be the biggest question to face when trying to move past our blocks and into a new level of freedom. Any anger, blame or resentment that we carry keeps us locked into the dark energy of the past. How can we move freely into the future or live in the present moment when we are still dragging stuff around from our past?
You can’t change the past nor can you change the other person. However, you can change the hold it has on you. Sit quietly and pause your mind. (You may have to first feel and relive the pain.) Then look at how much pain the past has caused you and how much it is blocking your progress. Mindfully say to yourself, “I forgive everyone and everything. I am free. I am at peace.” This affirmation sends a powerful vibration out into the universe. It will free you to leave the past behind and joyfully and freely live in the present moment. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!
Mindful Love & Forgiveness Always! – John Shearer
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Create Magic!

In what ways can we contribute to the lives of others? One way is to be a mentor to someone who may be looking to us for inspiration. We all have valuable lived experience in certain areas. When we mentor someone, we are directly sharing who we are. We are helping them discover who they are.
Think back at some of the people who have had the greatest impact on your life. Wasn’t there someone who truly impacted the way you are? Being a mentor enables you to have a similar impact on others. Send your intention to the universe and be mindfully aware. People are looking, and as soon as you raise your hand in this way, they will show up. Nurture these relationships, because they create magic in both directions. We are always both teacher and student! Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!
Mindful Love & Magic Always! – John Shearer
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Is Change Possible?

Can you change a loved one? Can you change anyone? Not likely, it’s even difficult changing ourselves! We waste so much energy offering advice, trying to change things or fix things. Frustration is most often the result of our efforts!
What if we took a different approach by looking for the positive in everything? Looking for what is beautiful and right in the world, seeing only the love and positive intentions in others as well as ourselves? Would that make things perfect? No. There is no perfect! In fact, striving for perfection keeps us locked in the mode of struggle and discontent. What if we practice being mindful, viewing life and other people in a positive light? It’s worth a try! Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!
Mindful Love & Light Always! – John
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Faced with Challenges?
What causes major shifts in our lives? Do shifts happen when everything is going well or when we are faced with challenges? Life is meant to be challenging, it’s through facing difficulty that we grow. Those who are born with a ‘silver spoon’ in their mouth often fail to grow much, because they seek a comfortable path in life. Many of those who have had the most profound influence in the world have overcome huge struggles and unbelievable obstacles.
During the toughest challenges we are forced to go deep within to discover who we truly are. This is often when we call on the Universe to help us and show us the way. Look at challenges as a gift and an opportunity to emerge stronger. Let’s take full responsibility for creating our lives by discovering the depth of connection and courage that we possess. We are powerful and have much to share, especially our stories! It’s in facing our challenges and moving through them with courage that we allow the passion and power we have to fully mature so our light can have an impact on the world. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!
Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer