
Tipping Point

Do you feel the world at a tipping point? Will the darkside hang on and continue to control through fear and manipulation? Or will enough people wake up and usher in the golden age of peace, cooperation and love? That is the question we face right now… in this present moment. What will it take to tip the scales in favour of love and light? If people don’t wake up, then the result is obvious… more of the same. What if groups of people all over the planet come together and intentionally use their combined energy to raise the vibration?

Let’s choose to take personal responsibility for our own awakening and by so doing, help boost the planetary awakening. Let’s set our intention to help the world awaken! What can you do to create more love, light and consciousness in your community? Do you have a group with whom you can set the intention and consciously combine energies to make a difference in our world? It is a historic time, and we have an opportunity to help determine the future of our planet. What will you do? Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Practice Always! – John Shearer
PS: Why not Make a Booking? It’s not always about the money.

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Be a Mindfulness Mentor


Be a Mindfulness Mentor

Are you a teacher, counsellor or coach? I encourage you to enrol in my certificate course to learn the keys to be a Mindfulness Mentor. Why not add this skill to your already impressive capabilities? You have clearly demonstrated that you have a heart to make a difference in peoples lives by doing what you do. Now is the time to join the team at (mindfully Making A Difference) and make an even bigger impact on your clients/students. (this is optional)

Our vision is world mental health without medication. Our mission is love, peace and happiness through the practice of mindfulness. Our objective is to lobby for mindfulness in schools. Our focus is prevention of mental suffering and suicide.

If you would like more information, please send an email to

Mindfully Yours with Love, Joy & Peace Always! – John