The Mindful Way

Are You God?

Are you a reflection of our Creator’s perfection? When is that perfection going to show up in the midst of all our life challenges? There are many theories about the origin of man, who is the creator, and whether or not we are gods ourselves? Perhaps we are merely imperfect humans embodied on a challenging planet. We all look at ourselves and see flaws because we have been conditioned to spend our lives trying to overcome.
Let’s suppose it is possible that we are a perfect reflection of our Creator. Perhaps we are here to dive deeply into the challenges of human life, in order to experience all our emotions? Wouldn’t life as a perfect being be extremely boring? Is it possible that planet earth is merely a playground to experience every human emotion? Maybe that is the true gift this planet provides… experiencing fully in each moment, the joys, sorrows, fears and frustrations that make life an interesting and truly captivating experience. The more we practice mindfulness and treat life as a mysterious and exhilarating adventure, the more we find it to be the perfect place to be godlike and human at the same time. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Gratitude Always! – John Shearer

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Why not consider a 30 minute $50 session? The session includes 15 minutes of guided meditation/hypnosis for whatever it is you desire to change.

Life Choices

Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the most important states of being for everyone! Especially those with a desire to progress spiritually. What are you grateful for? Family or friends who have supported you? Teachers and mentors who have guided you? All those who have given their lives to give us freedom? The incredible opportunities we have been given to learn and grow? The universe and planet earth itself for sustaining and giving us life?
When we immerse ourselves in gratitude for everything we have received, do we have time to complain? Why do we so often look at what’s wrong instead of simply giving thanks for our blessings? Today is a great day to make a conscious effort to substitute complaints and excuses with an attitude of gratitude and giving thanks. Gratitude helps make sense of our past, brings peace for the present moment and is something that the ‘future you’ will thank you for. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Gratitude Always! – John Shearer

Subscribe to Mindful Moments email
Why not consider a 30 minute $50 session? The session includes 15 minutes of guided meditation/hypnosis for whatever it is you desire to change.


Is Your Hand Up?

Are you aware of the synchronicities that have taken place in your life? Looking back, do you see the seemingly random coincidences that have made a difference on your journey? Meeting the right people, being in the right place at the right time or chance occurrences that may have seemed insignificant at the time? The more you are aware of these happenings, the more you can be grateful for them in the present moment. Awareness builds trust in Source Energy and the direction that the universe is nudging your life.
The next step is to consciously put your hand up to the universe. Set your intention to be available… to be a channel and create these types of events in the lives of others. Even the briefest of meetings can have a major impact on the other person if you follow your ‘spiritual prompts’. The right words plant seeds that can grow and lead to incredible changes. Random acts of kindness, or even just a smile can have a much greater impact than you can ever imagine. When you see yourself as an instrument for the universe, every interaction you have can potentially be life-changing for anyone who is ready to experience your love and your wisdom! Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer
PS: Why not consider a 30 minute $50 session? The session includes 15 minutes of guided meditation/hypnosis for whatever it is you desire to change.

Life Choices


What do you do to stay energised? Do you get away on holidays that enable you to unplug and relax? Do you go on meditation retreats or workshops that help you gain clarity and peace of mind? The idea of slowing down and getting off the fast lane is perhaps the key to retaining your creativity and zest for life.

If you continually focus on working and handling obligations, you will eventually wear down. Lack of enthusiasm and energy is the first sign. Constant complaining often follows. Ultimately, your body in its wisdom, will develop an illness that forces you to shut down. You are the creator of your life. Your choices are powerful. Why not create regular periods of rejuvenation as a gift to yourself? When the universe sees that you treat yourself with love and respect, it responds by giving you everything you truly desire. Make self-care a priority and engage in your passions! Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer
PS: Why not consider a 30 minute $50 session? The session includes 15 minutes of guided meditation/hypnosis for whatever it is you desire to change.

Life Choices

Embracing Change

How much change are you looking forward to this year? Are you keen to change certain aspects of your life? Are you concerned about changes happening in the world? Do you feel overwhelmed with the pace of technology and finding it hard to keep up? It’s natural to have concerns and even fears about the pace of change. Corporate media would have us believe that the world is becoming a fearful, violent and polarised place.

However, if you look below the surface, you can see incredibly positive changes. People are starting to come together like never before. The greed and deception of corporations and world leaders is becoming so blatant. The good news? Conscious businesses are flourishing and are rewriting the nature of business. People are waking up and are living in a spirit of oneness and harmony. The faster these changes take place the better. Why not make 2023 the year that you embrace change completely? Let’s accept even the dark and scary stuff as necessary steps on the path to creating a more loving and cooperative world! We are All One, One with Spirit, One with Life! Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer
PS: Why not consider a 30 minute $50 session? The session includes 15 minutes of guided meditation/hypnosis for whatever it is you desire to change.


What Are Your Plans?

As we approach the end of 2022, what are your plans? Will it be an excellent time to connect with family and friends? If so, how will your energy and attitude be affected by them? Does it tend to drag you back into old patterns of thought and behaviour? Or will this be a great opportunity to discover just how much you have grown during the past year?

Why not set aside some time alone these holidays? It’s an excellent opportunity to go within, reflect on your past, connect with the present and envision the future. It’s a great opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the past year and visualise on what you want to contribute to the world in the coming year. It is also a wonderful opportunity to focus on what is most important in life, especially the little things. Wishing you Love, Joy and Peace this Christmas! Remember what Jesus said, “Love your neighbour as yourself!” and what I always say… Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer MM
PS: Why not consider a 30 minute $50 session? The session includes 15 minutes of guided meditation/hypnosis for whatever it is you desire to change.

Life Choices

Present Moment Happiness

Where does your happiness come from? Do you rely on external sources to give you joy? Most of us have grown up creating rules for what it takes for us to be happy. As a child, it might have been receiving the right Christmas gift, or a good grade at school, winning the game, or meeting the right friend. Often these rules are set so high, either by others expectations or our own, that satisfying them can be very challenging. Any time we rely on external things to make us happy, we often end up frustrated or anxious.

What if we saw happiness as a choice? We can choose happiness at any moment if we so desire. We have the ability to establish our own rules for life. For example, ‘I am breathing, therefore I am happy.’ ‘I am alive on planet Earth, therefore my life is blessed.’ ‘The sun came up today, therefore I am filled with joy.’ When we allow ourselves to feel joy in each moment, then life becomes a constant blessing that fills us with gratitude. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer MM
PS: Why not consider a 30 minute $50 session? The session includes 15 minutes of guided meditation/hypnosis for whatever it is you desire to change.


You Are Worthy

How do you express love for yourself? Are you able to lovingly look at yourself in the mirror without any judgment? Do you welcome all the thoughts and emotions that show up, no matter how dark or negative? Are you able to accept everything that happens to you as being for your ultimate good? Are you able to love and compliment someone even if they are trying to tear you down?

Let’s trust ourselves enough to participate in the world and accept all the challenges it presents, without shrinking back into our comfortable spiritual cocoons. Let’s share our love, no matter what is happening. It’s the greatest gift we can give, not only to ourselves, but to everyone else and the world! Love is the only thing the world needs, and it starts with loving ourselves deeply. Always remember… you are worthy of self-love. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer MM
PS: Why not consider a 30 minute $50 session? The session includes 15 minutes of guided meditation/hypnosis for whatever it is you desire to change.

The Mindful Way

We Have Power

How do you feel when you hear the word power? Do you connect power with corruption? The quest for power has been a huge problem throughout history and continues to this day. Do you see those in powerful positions as being greedy and insensitive to the plight of the less powerful? If this is how you feel, welcome to the club! Don’t we often feel powerless when faced with the system that has been created, supposedly for our own good?
Let’s take a minute and think about the power of the universe compared to the material power on our planet. Which is infinitely more powerful? We can and should tap into this universal power. This daily practice is deceptively simple. Give your higher power a name and ask, ‘What are we doing today?’ Pause your mind and connect by listening deeply, beyond your thoughts. The world needs mindfully connected leaders to help inspire a shift in consciousness. Why not you? Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer

Learn how to channel wisdom from Source.

Why not consider a 30 minute $50 session? The session includes 15 minutes of guided meditation/hypnosis for whatever it is you desire to change.

Mindfulness Mentoring

Our Legacy

What will it take for the world to shift enough to create peace and loving cooperation? Raising the level of consciousness is our best chance to create a planet that will be sustainable and welcoming for generations to come. The question is, ‘How do we accomplish it?’ It begins with a deep desire to increase our own awareness. We can only make an impact if we have moved beyond a self-centered perspective and are focused on benefiting others. Our own growth and uniqueness is the greatest gift we can offer the world. We then automatically focus on inspiring others to accelerate their own path of awakening. There are as many ways to contribute to this process as there are people. Have you found your ideal contribution to collective consciousness raising? Are you connecting with others and sharing your wisdom consistently? This is our legacy. There is nothing more fun, energising and important than choosing to make this a focal point of our lives. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer

Learn how to channel wisdom from Source.

Why not consider a 30 minute $50 session? The session includes 15 minutes of guided meditation/hypnosis for whatever it is you desire to change.