Gratitude is one of the most important states of being for everyone! Especially those with a desire to progress spiritually. What are you grateful for? Family or friends who have supported you? Teachers and mentors who have guided you? All those who have given their lives to give us freedom? The incredible opportunities we have been given to learn and grow? The universe and planet earth itself for sustaining and giving us life?
When we immerse ourselves in gratitude for everything we have received, do we have time to complain? Why do we so often look at what’s wrong instead of simply giving thanks for our blessings? Today is a great day to make a conscious effort to substitute complaints and excuses with an attitude of gratitude and giving thanks. Gratitude helps make sense of our past, brings peace for the present moment and is something that the ‘future you’ will thank you for. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!
Mindful Love & Gratitude Always! – John Shearer
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One reply on “Attitude of Gratitude”
The most important decision we make,” Einstein said, “is whether we believe we live in a friendly or a hostile universe.
I remember hearing once that you cannot be grateful and depressed at the same time.
We all get the gift of choice in how we see the world and what we choose to focus on.
As an individual I can decide to not act on the negative emotions I experience and express only what I want reflected back to me.
As the world becomes so confusing and manipulative, honesty is the cure and it has to start with being honest with ourselves. ❤️