How do you express love for yourself? Are you able to lovingly look at yourself in the mirror without any judgment? Do you welcome all the thoughts and emotions that show up, no matter how dark or negative? Are you able to accept everything that happens to you as being for your ultimate good? Are you able to love and compliment someone even if they are trying to tear you down?
Let’s trust ourselves enough to participate in the world and accept all the challenges it presents, without shrinking back into our comfortable spiritual cocoons. Let’s share our love, no matter what is happening. It’s the greatest gift we can give, not only to ourselves, but to everyone else and the world! Love is the only thing the world needs, and it starts with loving ourselves deeply. Always remember… you are worthy of self-love. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!
Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer MM
PS: Why not consider a 30 minute $50 session? The session includes 15 minutes of guided meditation/hypnosis for whatever it is you desire to change.