What will it take for the world to shift enough to create peace and loving cooperation? Raising the level of consciousness is our best chance to create a planet that will be sustainable and welcoming for generations to come. The question is, ‘How do we accomplish it?’ It begins with a deep desire to increase our own awareness. We can only make an impact if we have moved beyond a self-centered perspective and are focused on benefiting others. Our own growth and uniqueness is the greatest gift we can offer the world. We then automatically focus on inspiring others to accelerate their own path of awakening. There are as many ways to contribute to this process as there are people. Have you found your ideal contribution to collective consciousness raising? Are you connecting with others and sharing your wisdom consistently? This is our legacy. There is nothing more fun, energising and important than choosing to make this a focal point of our lives. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!
Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer
Learn how to channel wisdom from Source.
Why not consider a 30 minute $50 session? The session includes 15 minutes of guided meditation/hypnosis for whatever it is you desire to change.