
Faced with Challenges?

What causes major shifts in our lives? Do shifts happen when everything is going well or when we are faced with challenges? Life is meant to be challenging, it’s through facing difficulty that we grow. Those who are born with a ‘silver spoon’ in their mouth often fail to grow much, because they seek a comfortable path in life. Many of those who have had the most profound influence in the world have overcome huge struggles and unbelievable obstacles.

During the toughest challenges we are forced to go deep within to discover who we truly are. This is often when we call on the Universe to help us and show us the way. Look at challenges as a gift and an opportunity to emerge stronger. Let’s take full responsibility for creating our lives by discovering the depth of connection and courage that we possess. We are powerful and have much to share, especially our stories! It’s in facing our challenges and moving through them with courage that we allow the passion and power we have to fully mature so our light can have an impact on the world. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer


Power of Love

Let’s not underestimate the power we have to make a difference in this crazy world or in someone’s life on a moment to moment basis. What does a smile cost? A warm greeting or kind hearted gesture. A sincere complement or thoughtful word. A sympathetic ear or gentle touch. These are all natural expressions and extensions of the love that is our true nature and essence. We are All One, One with Spirit, One with Life! The more we express and extend our loving nature and essence, the more we get to experience it. By doing so, we are actively transforming the world we live in. Let’s not undervalue the ability that we have, to transform this crazy world a moment at a time, and work towards a more gentle and empathic way of living. Within the present moment, thanks to our spiritual connection, we can shift someone’s perception of themselves, and thus turn their day or life around! Our Source Energy creates through Love, and that is what we are here to do… to help create a more loving world. We create this more loving world through the interactions we have with each other. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!
Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer


Moving Forward

How do you move forward with your life? Do you count on source energy to provide the life of your dreams? Trusting in the love and generosity of our creative source is not enough. We must be willing to discover and face our deepest fears and blocks that are holding us back. We all carry stories and issues from our past that we use as excuses as to why we feel and act the way we do. Once we commit to accepting these issues mindfully and taking action to courageously walk past those fears, to do the things we have avoided for so long, then transformation becomes real. Taking on challenges and stepping into the scary aspects of life is the quickest way to gain the self-confidence needed to grow. It may require some help from someone you trust to consistently encourage you to keep stepping out of your comfort zone, but that is where the transformational magic takes place. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Light Always! – John

Why not consider Mindful Insights Mentoring?


What Is Your Default Mode?

Do you spend much time focusing on the past or the future? We know that the ideal is to live in the present moment. However, many of us find it a challenge to do so consistently. What is your default time frame? If you tend to dwell on past actions or tend to think about things that have happened in the past, then the past is probably your default time frame. On the other hand, if you are worrying or constantly planning, looking ahead and focusing on what you have to do next, then you are probably future oriented.
Recognising your default mode is the first step to peace of mind. The next step is to resolve to remain as often as possible in the present moment. It takes practice, lots of practice! Savour each moment by allowing your attention to linger on every task, no matter how small or simple. Make your mindful practice a habit and live your life consciously with purpose. Don’t fall into the trap of multi-tasking, just do one thing at a time. You will soon find that you are more productive, happier and fulfilled when you are living in the present moment. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!


Do You Get Frustrated?

Do you ever get frustrated with your life? I know I do! Whenever I get into this kind of mindset, I pause my mind and switch to feelings of gratitude. I think of the billions of people throughout the world who have so much less than me. They are most often happier and more fulfilled than many in our culture. When we switch to an attitude of gratitude, we find so many amazing things in our lives to be thankful for. We come to realise just how much control we have over our own lives.
Instead of allowing yourself to feel like a victim of the system or your upbringing, focus on what a powerful creator you are. A mindful pause connects you to the universe, which is poised to provide everything you desire. Don’t fall into the trap of being too humble or undeserving to get what you desire. Have the courage to state your desire precisely to the universe. The clearer you are on what you want to manifest, the more likely you will attract it into your life. You deserve to have the life you desire, so be sure that your dream is clear and shared faithfully with Source. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Light Always! – John
Schedule a free 30 minute chat with me.
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Greatest Fear

What creates the greatest fear in people? Would you believe that it’s speaking in public! For most people, it’s a greater fear than death! Why are people so afraid to speak and share their mind in public? Are they afraid that people won’t agree with them, disregard their words, judge them or won’t get the respect they deserve? Is it more a fear of not finding the words? Do you have this fear?

Think about everyone who has had an influence in the world. They always have the ability to convey their thoughts and beliefs into words, in a way that inspires others to take action. Isn’t that what our purpose is? To assist others in their process of awakening? You don’t need to be a Jesus or a Buddha to share your heart. There are people who are thirsting for your wisdom. It’s time to step up and believe in your own strength and ability to inspire others. It’s time to speak out and share your truth with as many people as possible. Serving others begins by sharing your own truths and speaking in a loving and empowering manner. Create your ripple and inspire others to create theirs! Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer MM

Schedule a free 30 minute zoom call with me.

Visit my Linktree:


The Meaning Of Life

What is the meaning of life and where do we find it? We are all searching for meaning and desiring to find the truth. Is the truth even possible to our limited intelligence? In our desire to find the truth, we often look to religions or other organisations that profess to have the answers. However attractive this kind of approach may be, it doesn’t address our own unique perspective and path.
Ultimately only you can determine what is true for you. When you search deeply and trust your own knowing, that knowing is so much deeper and more authentic than following someone else’s theories. Your truth is yours, and your path is yours. The more you trust your own inner knowing and connection to divine wisdom and intelligence, the sooner you will discover yourself and your true purpose in life. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!
Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer MM

Why not schedule a free 30 minute chat with me?

Visit my Linktree:


What Are You Doing?

What are you doing to pursue your biggest dreams in life? Have you been able to create something that is making a difference in the world? Something that will become your legacy? It could be a physical thing that you helped create or people you have touched with your wisdom. It could simply be the knowledge that you have had a positive influence on the lives of family and friends.

We are all in the process of creating our dreams or encouraging others to pursue their dreams. Everything that is of any consequence in life started out as a vision or a dream. Where are you in the process of your dreaming? It is never too late to pursue your biggest dreams and inspire others to pursue theirs. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer MM

Schedule a free 30 minute chat with me.


How Do We Cope?

Miracles are happening in all parts of the world. Everything is shifting at a rapid pace. Some of these may take the form of natural or man-made disasters. These are also miracles. Throughout history, the greatest disasters have been stimulus for change. We are witnessing the birth of a new world but how do we cope?
The key is to let go of the past. It does not serve us to identify with the planet as it was, nor does it serve us to identify with ourselves the way we were! Miracles will happen in our lives when we step into the unknown, without our shield of identity and past knowledge. Be open to whatever comes and be willing to seek your authentic self without carrying baggage from the past. As you meet others, see their essence instead of their faces. Pause your mind and look deeply into their soul and more importantly, into your own soul! With mindful practice, you will begin to see spirit everywhere and within everyone. Let this be your reality and you will find life to be a grand and rewarding journey. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!

Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer MM

Schedule a free 30 minute zoom call with me.


Mindful Parenting Skills Training

What? 4 Week Certificate Course for parents of children aged 0 to 16

Where? Global Online Training or Local venue TBA

When? Middle of each School Term

How? 4x1hr sessions delivered weekly via Zoom Video Conferencing or In Person locally.

Why Me? #Accredited Mindfulness Master with over 9,000 hours study into all aspects of mindfulness. #Successfully raised 4 children who are all champions in their fields. #Six years coaching teens from 7 different High Schools in my Cue Sport Centre in Wagga Wagga NSW. #Ten years mentoring youth in Juvenile Justice.

Cost? AU$300 (Approx US$182; CAD$258; GBP147; EUR168) One-to-One or Groups up to 12 maximum (eg: AU$50 each in group of 6 AU$25 each in group of 12)

Why not organise a group through your school or community organisation? Please send Expressions of Interest to
You are always welcome to phone 0418 864 162 (+61 418 864 162)
Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!
Mindfully Yours with Love & Respect Always! – John Shearer MM