Life Choices

Where are you on the Moodometer?


Where are you on the Moodometer?

In 1982, I died in a horrific truck smash and was revived. My world got turned upside down and I spent the next fifteen years mostly in the red zone. I was diagnosed with a mental illness and medical authorities told me that I would never be cured and never work again. Over that time I was given a smorgasbord of medications. At my lowest point, I was given shock treatment in an attempt to help me overcome a suicidal mood. I now call that time ‘my dark years’.

In 1997, I got my miracle when an old friend knocked on my door and told me his story. I hadn’t seen him for seventeen years. He told me how he was driving through town and got a ‘spiritual prompt’ to visit me. I haven’t seen him since but his random act of kindness put me on track into the yellow zone. I became spiritually aware and for the first time in my life, everything made sense to me. Negative and unhelpful thoughts continued but they were easily overcome.

In 2009, Dr Russ Harris trained me as an ACT therapist. Acceptance & Commitment Therapy is a mindfulness based therapy. I started a personal mindfulness practice that led me into the green zone. Negative and unhelpful thoughts lost thier power and have all but disappeared. I am now happily living ‘in the light’. I have both peace of mind and clarity of mind. My memory function and intuition are finely tuned. I am now very grateful for the years, they have helped make me who I am today.

In 2014, after an intensive five year study into the many aspects of mindfulness, I hosted a facebook event called Mindfulness Day. I invited Australians with mental suffering and 4,700 turned up for the month long event. I wrote a blog every day and hundreds of lives were transformed. The event became my book Mindful Actions which was launched on World Mental Health Day, 10th October. The feedback has been amazing! I am very passionate about my purpose which is to help people who are ‘stuck’. Mindfulness is now proven to be an excellent alternative to medication.

Mindfully Yours with Love, Joy & Peace Always! – John

5 replies on “Where are you on the Moodometer?”

Gooday Loretta – I highly recommend my book Mindful Actions. It is a course in mindfulness that is helping thousands. I am constantly amazed by the feedback. Mindfulness is now proven to be an excellent alternative to meds; only you will know when to start cutting down. Mindfully Yours with Respect – John

I have been in the red zone for far too long a time now. How do I get to the green zone while on antidepressant medication?

Kind regards,
Loretta Ward

I also started my mindfulness practice since 2013 end. There are challenges in life. But things will come in control. Mindfulness or staying present has brought meaning to my life…

Love reading your reminders on Facebook, Thankyou for the quotes. Grateful to read your story, I’m seemingly stuck in the yellow zone here. Head injury, menopause, Mum died, care giving for my husband and father who has early dementia. Would appreciate guidance to some feeling of being included, grounded.

I love your posts. Thankyou for sharing your story.As a teacher, and on my own personal journey towards mindfulness, I would be very interested in the chance to train in ACT therapy. I know I have a long way to go, but my goal in life is to help others with my gift for teaching and empathy, and maybe even make a living while I’m doing what I love. Do you have any further info which could help me please? I am based in Milan, Italy for the moment,

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