Before we start something new, it is important to clear out the old. Just like burning bush cleans out old debris and allows for fresh new growth, we also need to clear out the old to make way for the new. What old thought patterns, programs and beliefs do you have that are holding you back from a fresh start? It’s not easy to unbelieve everything and start again. The clearing process can be painful and challenging. We need to step through our blocks by facing our fears, otherwise nothing will change.
Why not make room for the future by taking stock of where you are in the present moment? What needs to clear out or change to move forward? Take the action steps needed to make your dream a reality. Now is a great time for transformation to take place. Lighten your load of internal baggage and carry forward as much love and light as possible. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!
Mindful Love & Light Always! – John Shearer
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