ACT Mindfully

My Book – Please Help!

Sabotage Clowns

Please help me find an artist who can draw clowns. The script I am working on involves the central character (The Teenager) who is the Ringmaster in his Circus (His Life). I am the monkey (Mindfulness Coach) on his shoulder whispering mindful messages to teach the teen how to handle painful thoughts and feelings. There are many clowns (His Thoughts), not only happy and joyful, but also scary type clowns such as ‘ why me’ ‘what’s the use’ ‘not good enough’ ‘I’m fat’ ‘I’m ugly’ etc. It is envisioned the book will have about 64 pages with something like 180 drawings.

My eventual goal is to distribute this book to School Counsellors, Youth Organisations and anywhere else that will in a small way help with the growing problem of Youth Suicide. I will also have a free website to help parents, carers, teachers and therapists work through the book with teenagers that need guidance with handling painful thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Please send your thoughts and suggestions or simply contact me and I will keep you up to date with progress in this much needed project.

E-mail:              Love & Laughter Always! – John

One reply on “My Book – Please Help!”

Hi John,

As a teacher, Complementary therapist and a mindfulness follower, I am really interested in this book. I would love to use it with children in schools I go to. Is is finished yet?

kind regards
Georgia Dowsell

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