My FREE eStory ‘Meds to Mindfulness’ is now available by sending an e-mail to: Be inspired by my story. It begins in 1982 when I died in a truck smash and was revived. Fifteen years of ups and downs and mental suffering followed. Medications and even shock treatment was given, none of which had any lasting benefits. Read how I became awake in 1997 and stepped from the darkness into the light. Follow my journey as childhood dreams came true and I started living with purpose and passion. Learn how I started my mindfulness practice in 2009 and now live in a state of enlightenment and peace. Only 20-30 minutes reading time…
Mindful Actions is my upcoming book which will take you on a journey exploring and practising the many aspects of mindfulness, without meditation. Mindful Actions is designed to take 3-6 months to read; five minutes at a time every 3-7 days. It will be a roadmap to practising mindful awareness and will help guide you through the process of self discovery, waking up and connecting fully with yourself and all those around you!
Mindful Actions is being published by Balboa Press (Division of Hay House) and will be available in November, 2014 at a very reasonable price. If you would like to be informed when it is ready, send an e-mail to:
Stay Positive. Stay Present. Stay Strong. Stay Smiling. Love, Laughter & Be Mindful Always! ~ John
22 replies on “Mindful Actions”
Gooday Marcia – I will send you an email to arrange delivery of my book. Mindfully Yours – John
I met you John at St Stephens Hall in South Grafton when we were doing our knitting and crochet.. I would love to read more of you mindfulness techniques and more for my daughter who is 30 and having a baby in June, my first grandchild. I am really worried about her and the stress she is going through. She suffers from depression and self esteem problems and is now not coping very well. I am hoping your words might be able to help her and her little baby.
Would love to know more
Very interested
Would love a read. You are a very inspirational man.
I can’t wait!
Would love to and be honored to read your e-Story.
I want to read more please e-mail me thank you john
I am going to read your Ebook just from your words describing what you went through. Thank you!
Please let me know when your ebook can be purchase.
Would appreciate if you could let me know when ebook is available. Many thanks.
I have sent my eStory. Be inspired! Love & Peace Always
Need to know more.
Thank you! I will let you know when Mindful Actions is ready. Mindfully Yours – John
Please could you let me know when I can buy your book. Cheers Xandre
Please notify me when book is out and available for purchase.
Thanks so much John. I am very inspired by you story, and looking forward to your Mindful Actions eBook and eCourse.
Thank you for the good words, it really helped me, and please don’t stop, I learn alot from you, cos my life is like nothing, I’m living a fake life.
Thank you Leta! That is my main message when I talk to groups. Share Your Story! Mindfully Yours – John
Thank you Magda. Mindfully Yours – John
I would like to be informed when the book is ready
share your story