

1Bamboo Stone1

1982-1997 ~ I believed that I had an imbalance of chemicals in my brain. I believed I was mentally ill and would never be cured. I believed that I would have to take medications for the rest of my life. Professional people told me these things. People who had studied and been trained for many years in Universities.

1997-2009 ~ I had a spiritual awakening and believed in the power of Spirit. No more depression and no more meds. I believed the mind was like the moon. The moon has a light side as well as a dark side. For the first time in my life, everything made sense to me. All through history I could see the evidence of this spiritual game of chess. Love, joy and peace on one side versus hate, sadness and war on the other. Minds consumed by the light, dreaming, creating and full of life versus minds consumed by the darkside, nightmarish, destroying and suicidal.

2009-2013 ~ I started the study and practice of mindfulness. I felt driven and spent countless hours in front of the computer. 20-30 hours per week, it almost drove my wife insane. Mindfulness is all about awareness and being fully connected to spirit. It is the tool we all need to live a life of peace and happiness.

2013-End of Days ~ Osho said, “It’s not a question of learning much – on the contrary. It’s a question of unlearning much.” We all have beliefs based on what we have learned and what we have experienced. This in turn becomes our truth and we all have different truths.

The mind is like a computer and needs to be reset now and then. I decided to un-believe everything I had learned on my life’s journey. As thoughts came to mind, I used my silent observer (my heart) to test for truth. The results have been absolutely enlightening! This is your mindful action. Be warned; your mind is going to object strongly, just remember, you are not your mind!

Here are a few random thoughts:

  • What you believe has more power than what you dream or wish or hope for.
  • You become what you believe.
  • Don’t believe everything you think.
  • The reason you do the things you do is because you think the things you think.
  • The reason you think the things you think is because you believe the things you believe.
  • The root cause of your problems is not what you are doing – it is what you are thinking!
  • The worst thing you can do is believe that you don’t have a choice.
  • Life presents you with endless choices and opportunities if you care to step out and face your fears without limiting beliefs.
  • Only you can take the impossible and make it possible!

Be Mindful – and Open to All Possibilities! Love, Joy & Peace Always! – John

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