Is it possible to live a completely balanced life? The desire for balance has been promoted so much that many people assume it is an essential goal in life. However, when we look at people who are deemed successful in the eyes of the world, how balanced are they? Doesn’t it take a degree of almost fanatical focus in one area to become a master at anything? Is it possible to achieve complete balance when one is focused on pursuing their true passion in life?
It seems like those who truly are balanced are almost forced to remain in the level of mediocrity in their life. However, those who are incredibly successful in one area are often utter failures and completely miserable in other aspects. Perhaps the key is to not neglect any of the major aspects of life, even though you may put most of your attention toward your passion. It is important not to neglect the spiritual and emotional aspects of your being, but if those are your focus, not to neglect the mental and physical aspects. A simple test might be to examine your relationships, with others, with yourself and with Source. The nature of these relationships can tell you a lot about your overall balance in life. Be Mindful… Pause… Connect!
Mindful Love & Balance Always! – John Shearer
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