20 Lies We Tell Ourselves Daily
- “I have no choice.” One of the biggest lies is the belief that there are no options. Even people in terrible circumstances such as concentration camps, false imprisonment, and severe abuse have options in what they absorb, believe, and accept as truth.
- “I’ll never love again.” When a heart is broken, a person believes that they will never find love again. But love isn’t something you catch, it is something you give. The only limitation in loving is the one a person places on themselves.
- “I’ll never be good enough.” This is another lie that is rooted in trauma between the ages of two and five. Healing from this trauma and restating the reverse can resolve this lie.
- “That didn’t happen.” Denial is the most powerful defence mechanism because it can erase a traumatic moment as if it never happened. The problem is that whatever is denied becomes a haunting, magically appearing out of nowhere and causing destruction.
- “It wasn’t that bad.” Minimising difficult circumstances sounds good initially because there is some acknowledgement of the problem. However, dismissing intense feelings reinforces stuffing them which leads to explosions later.
- “It was the worst thing ever.” Making a mountain out of a mole hill is equally problematic. By increasing the size of an event, thought, or feeling, they can become larger than life.
- “I handled that well.” When the only counsel a person has is their own self, they tend to believe their version of what happened. Getting outside perspective and feedback from others improves self-awareness.
- “I’m worthless.” This particular statement is usually the result of some trauma between the ages of six and twelve. Unresolved pain can lead to a lifetime of suffering.
- “I’m the dumbest person.” This belief originated from someone else. It could be a parent, teacher, friend, student, or partner who repeated this until it was wrongly absorbed as truth.
- “No one can ever love me.” Hidden shame, grief, or guilt causes a person to believe that they are unlovable. Bringing the issue out in the open resolves this quickly.
- “Life isn’t worth living.” Every life has good and bad times, times of peace and war, and times of joy and sorrow. What makes the good, peaceful, and joyful times so wonderful is the contrast to the bad, warring, and sorrowful times.
- “I didn’t do anything wrong.” While a person’s actions might be correct, the thoughts behind it might not be. Self-awareness looks for ways to improve, not to escape responsibility.
- “It’s all my fault.” Accepting unnecessary responsibility for a trauma, event, or circumstance removes the accountability of others. This can be very damaging for their own growth and development.
- “I have no self-control.” This is used to diminish a person’s responsibility for behaviour that is problematic. Addicts frequently say this so they can justify their poor decisions.
- “It’s not my fault I reacted that way.” By casting blame on others for the poor reaction, a person falsely dismisses their responsibility while simultaneously holding others accountable.
- “I can’t help it.” As soon as a person says this, they have limited their choices to a few poor options. Just by saying the reverse, a person can open themselves up to more possibilities.
- “I have to have …” The sentence can be completed with a person, thing, money, or circumstance. Ironically, even when these items are obtained, there is a transfer to the next big item instead of finding satisfaction from within.
- “If only I had done …” The assumption of “if only” statements is that things could be different if they had responded another way. This is not always the case; sometimes the end result would still be the same regardless of the “if only”.
- “I’m not good at anything.” Being good at something requires effort. Talent will only take a person so far, the rest is all hard-work.
- “I have no purpose/passion/mission.” One of the lies of our society is that everyone needs to find their purpose/passion/mission in order to live life fully. A person can have a very full life while discovering their passion. Often this is not realised until a person is at the end of their career, not at the beginning.
Do any of these sound familiar? When these type of thoughts drop into your mind…
Be Mindful – This is the key thought we use to give our mind an instruction to…
Pause – We quieten our mind for a few seconds, as we do this, we…
Connect! – We connect with where we are using our five senses. We connect with who we’re with (with full presence). Most importantly, we connect with our Source Energy using our sixth sense or intuition.
If you are struggling with your thoughts, contact me to schedule a single one-on-one session. That’s all it takes to get your true mindful practice off to a flying start.
Mindfully Yours with Awareness Always! 🙏 John
One reply on “20 Lies We Tell Ourselves Daily”
John, I want to believe in this so much because I have been reading it and saying “Be mindful” to myself constantly.
Also, there are many similarities between your story and mine. I am using your book to great advantage and really learning so much that I want to learn all I can so I can share it with those who need it and do it with love and for free! Be mindful… Yes, master!